I'm a programmer in Canada, currently working for Mozilla (thoughts and posts are mine, not Mozilla's) on the SpiderMonkey Javascript engine.
In general, my interests lie in the region just above hardware and below individual programmers-- compilers and Runtime systems so far. To that end, I keep track of jobs in this area at Compiler Jobs
I'm a graduate of the University of Alberta, in Computing Science. My Master's thesis work was on Transactional Memory systems, which I defended in July of 2014.
I've worked on an evaluation of the Transactional Memory system on Blue Gene/Q. This has since been expanded into a journal paper.
I've also done some work in the area of outlier detection as part of a course project.
I used to work at IBM, on their Java JIT technology, helping transform it into the Eclipse OMR and Eclipse OpenJ9 projects.
More of Me:
- Mastodon
- Google Scholar
- Email me:
matt (char)0x40 mgaudet.ca
Resources / Archives
Matthew Gaudet, Supervisor: José Nelson Amaral. "Transactional Event Profiling in a Best Effort HTM". PACT 2012[Poster (15MB PDF)] [Presentation (pptx)] [ACM DL Abstract] ACM SRC Gold Medal (Best Poster)