Going to be speaking at the Ruby devroom 2016!

I will be speaking this year at the FOSDEM Ruby devroom about the challenges the Ruby+OMR JIT compiler faces, and how they can be surmounted with your help! The abstract is below, or on the FOSDEM website. 

Highly Surmountable Challenges in Ruby+OMR JIT Compilation

The Ruby+OMR JIT compiler adds a JIT to CRuby. However, it has challenges to surmount before it will provide broad improvement to Ruby applications that aren’t micro-benchmarks. This talk will cover some of those challenges, along with some brainstorming about potential ways to tackle them.

The Ruby+OMR JIT compiler is one way to add JIT compilation to the CRuby interpreter. However, it has a number of challenges to surmount before it will provide broad improvement to Ruby applications that aren’t micro-benchmarks. This talk will cover some of those challenges, along with some brainstorming about potential ways to tackle them.

The challenges range from small to large. You can get a sneak peek by looking through the issue tracker for the Ruby+OMR preview.  

Boobytrapped Classes

Today I learned: You can construct Boobytrapped class hierarchies in C++.

Here's an example (Godbolt link)

#include <iostream> 
struct Exploder { 
 // Causes explosions! 

struct Unexploder { 
  void roulette() {} 

template<class T>
struct BoobyTrap : public T { 
  /* May or may not explode. 
  void unsafe_call () { exploder(); }
  void safe_call() {} 


  void exploder() { T::roulette(); } 

int main(int argc, char** argv) { 
    BoobyTrap<Unexploder> s; 
    s.unsafe_call(); // Click! We survived! 

    BoobyTrap<Exploder> unsafe;

    // Uncomment to have an explosion occur. 
    // Imagine this with conditional compilation?
    // unsafe.unsafe_call(); 
    return 0;

The wacky thing here is that you can totally use the safe_call member function of the BoobyTrapped class independent of parent class -- because unsafe_call is only expanded and substituted if you call it!

This feels awkward, because it divides the interface of BoobyTrap into callable and uncallable pieces. I cant decide if I think this is a good idea or bad idea.


  • You can knit together classes, and so long as the interfaces match enough so that the interfaces work, you're OK.


  • Feels like Fragile Base class ++

Thanks to Leonardo for pointing this out!

Commits vs. Pull Requests

When working on an open source project, you face questions of how to make your work consumable. I've been watching the process in my work on Eclipse OMR, and I've come up with my personal mental model: 

  • Commits delimit atomic changes to the source code. Each commit should build, and contains one state transition for the code. Each commit message provides an opportunity to explain your reasoning for making the change. 
  • Pull Requests group together a set of related commits; For example, a feature, or a group of cleanup commits. These commits can be tested and discussed as a whole, and therefore merged as a whole.

Of course, this model is heavily driven by our Pull Request workflow at work.  

Getting Ready

Now that I'm working much more in the open on Eclipse OMR, I am getting ready to start blogging more about tech, and things from my day job.

I suspect lots of small posts, tips and tricks, etc. We'll see how it goes. A separate section to keep things a bit isolated from my other blog.