Living in Alberta can be enormously emotionally draining at times. My Premier is organizing a letter writing drive, driven by fear mongering, trying to delay action on greening the Alberta grid.
I decided to write my MP to counter said letter campaign, insofar as I can. My frustration was perhaps too palpable as I wrote, but sometimes frustration is all you have.
“Honorable Mr. McCauley
You’ll get a lot of form letters driven by
This isn’t a form letter: This a letter to say the opposite: I am disgusted by our province’s attitude regarding climate change. By spending time and energy attempting to slow walk regulation rather than taking action on climate, our government shows they lack ambition or interest.
Climate change affects us today. It will affect my children enormously.
So far, all the Alberta government provides is excuses, rather than engaging with the demands of Albertans to decarbonize our future; don’t take the barrage of form letters as meaning that inaction is acceptable
Inaction on climate is unacceptable.”
I CC’d Steven Guilbeault as well.